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Crisis Resources

Tahoe Truckee Crisis and Mental Health Resources

Crisis Lines:

  • National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: Dial 988 or 1‐800‐273‐8255
  • Nevada County Mental Health Crisis and Intake line: 530-265-5811 or toll-free at 1-888-801-1437
  • Placer County Mental Health Crisis and Intake Line: 1-888-886-5401 (Adults) or 866-293-1940 (Children)
  • Placer County Emergency Access Line: 1-888-886-5401
  • SAMHSA’s Disaster Distress Line: 1‐800‐985‐5990 or text TalkWithUs to 66746 to connect with a trained crisis counselor 
  • California Peer‐Run Warm Line: 1‐855‐845‐7415 is a non‐emergency resource for anyone in California seeking emotional support (available 24/7). 
  • Crisis Text Line: Text “HOME” to 741741 
  • Sierra Community House: 1-800-736-1060 (24-hour helpline)

Call 911 if a suicide attempt is underway or immediate medical attention is required. 

Mental Health Wellness: Tips to find treatment providers

  • Based on your preferences, there are in person or telehealth options available.
  • Check ahead of time with your insurance company, Medicare, or Medicaid to find out what types of mental health services are covered and what your benefit limits are. Ask for a list of covered providers.
  • Check to see whether your company’s employee assistance program (EAP) offers mental health services. An EAP is a work-based intervention program designed to identify and assist employees in resolving personal problems that may be adversely affecting their performance at work, such as marital, financial or emotional problems; family issues; or substance or alcohol misuse.
  • School based services are often available at school sites to meet with students who need additional attention and support. Please contact your child’s school directly to set up an appointment.

Nevada County Behavioral Health
The Behavioral Health Department provides a wide variety of services to the public, particularly for Medi-Cal recipients and those with severe mental illness. These include adult and children’s Mental Health Services and Alcohol and Other Drug Services in Truckee at the Joseph Government Center.

Contact the Truckee office at (530)-582-7814

Placer County Behavioral Health
Services are provided to Placer County Medi-Cal beneficiaries and Placer County residents with no insurance.  

Contact the Adult or Children’s Intake Lines for services: 1-888-886-5401 (Adults) or 866-293-1940 (Children)

Tahoe Forest Hospital District-Behavioral Health

To contact a Behavioral Health Clinician, please make an appointment with your primary care provider, who can refer you to the appropriate team member:

  • Levon Building – Truckee (530) 582-3505
  • Old Gateway Center – Truckee (530) 582-1212
  • Incline Village – (775) 831-6200

Find a mental health provider. Search the provider directory here

Find out about the Anthem Blue Cross Medical benefits here.

Find out about the California Health & Wellness Medi-Cal plan here

Additional Truckee and North Lake Tahoe resources for mental and behavioral health

Sierra Community House
Formerly known as Tahoe SAFE Alliance, Sierra Community House’s Crisis Intervention and Prevention Program is dedicated to serving victims of domestic/intimate partner violence, sexual assault, and child abuse. All services are free and available in multiple languages. Learn more

Sierra Community House offers 24-hour/7-days-a-week intervention, support, information, and referral services relating to domestic intimate partner violence, sexual assault, and child abuse. Call (800) 736-1060 for immediate help in multiple languages.

Nevada County/Placer County 211
2-1-1 is a free, confidential information and referral service that is available 24/7, offering assistance in multiple languages, and services that are accessible to people with disabilities. Specialists can refer callers to a variety of service that best meet their needs, including:  

  • Behavioral and Mental Health Services  
  • Employment and Training  
  • Housing and Shelter Information  
  • Financial Assistance-CalWORKS  
  • Children’s Services  
  • Senior Services  
  • Food Programs-CalFresh  
  • Health Care Services-Medi-cal

In the 530 area code, dial 211 or 1-833-DIAL211. You can also visit:

Tahoe Truckee Suicide Prevention Coalition
The Tahoe Truckee Suicide Prevention Coalition provides training and events as well as important information, resources, and toolkits on their website at

Gateway Mountain Center

Gateway Mountain Center provides high-impact nature-based learning, wellness adventures, and innovative, non-traditional therapeutic approaches to mental health and wellness for youth.

4 Roots Youth Wellness Center is a space for teens to drop in, decompress and connect with new friends. The center offers a wide array of activities, expressive arts and smoothies. 4 Roots Youth Wellness Center is open for summer drop-in hours with community outreach, listening circles, and short term therapy from the clinical team available for any adolescent or teen who may want extra care.

Whole Hearts, Minds, & Bodies provides clinically-supervised, 1-on-1, nature-based therapeutic mentoring for youth with serious emotional disturbance related to mental or behavioral health and/or substance abuse issues.

Tahoe Truckee Unified School District Student Services

Wellness Centers
The Wellness Program is comprised of Wellness Centers at North Tahoe High and Truckee High, individualized wellness programming at Sierra High and the Community School (Placer County Court School), and outreach and education to North Tahoe Middle School, Alder Creek Middle School and the elementary schools. 

Wellness Center Locations and Hours

  • North Tahoe High – The Wellness Center is located in Room 217 and is open Monday-Friday during school hours.
  • Truckee High – The Wellness Center is located in Room 118 and is open Monday-Friday during school hours.

Contact Kim Bradley, TTUSD Wellness Manager, at (530) 582-2575 for more information. 

Directing Change
Directing Change launched in 2012 and is a suicide prevention and mental health promotion program.. By following the program’s submission guidelines to create short (30- and 60-second) films or art projects, students learn about suicide prevention, mental health and other social justice and critical health topics; discuss and apply that knowledge in peer groups; and communicate positive, youth-focused, action-oriented messages to peers and adults in their communities. The program is free to schools and supported by the California Department of Education.  For more information visit:

Teen Line:
1-800-852-8336 (6-10 p.m.)
Text “TEEN” to 839263 (6-9 p.m.)

A confidential hotline for teenagers, staffed by trained teens.

Recursos de Crisis de Truckee Tahoe

Líneas de crisis: 

  • Línea de crisis de salud mental del condado de Nevada: (530) 265-5811 
  • Línea de crisis de salud mental del condado de Placer: (916) 787-8860 
  • Línea nacional de prevención del suicidio: 18002738255 

Condado de Nevada Salud conductual (Truckee): (530) 582-7814
Servicios para adultos, niños y uso de sustancias proporcionados en la oficina de Truckee del condado de Nevada. 

Sierra Community House
Línea de ayuda las 24 horas de (800) 736-1060
La intervención y prevención de crisis atiende la violencia doméstica/de pareja íntima, la agresión sexual y el abuso infantil. El Family Support & Community Engagement conecta a familias, individuos y miembros de la comunidad con la ayuda que necesitan. 

Distrito Hospitalario de Tahoe Forest-Salud Mental:
Para comunicarse con un médico de salud conductual, agende una cita con su proveedor de atención primaria, quien puede remitirlo al miembro del equipo adecuado: 

  • Levon Building – Truckee (530) 582-3505 
  • Old Gateway Center – Truckee (530) 582-1212 
  • Incline Village – (775) 831-6200 

Nevada/Condado de Placer 211
2-1-1 es un servicio gratuito y confidencial de información y referencias que está disponible las 24 horas del día, los 7 días de la semana, y ofrece asistencia en varios idiomas y servicios que sean accesibles para las personas con discapacidad. Los especialistas pueden remitir a las personas que llaman a una variedad de servicios que mejor satisfagan sus necesidades, que incluyen:  

  • Servicios de salud mental y del comportamiento  
  • Empleo y capacitación  
  • Información sobre vivienda y refugio  
  • Asistencia financiera-CalWORKS  
  • Servicios para niños  
  • Servicios  
  • Programas de alimentos-CalFresh  
  • Servicios de salud -Medi-cal 

En el código de área 530, marque 211 o visite

  • Recursos del condado de Nevada | 

  • Recursos del condado de Placer | 211 Placer 

Coalición para la prevención del suicidio de Tahoe Truckee
A través de la divulgación, la educación y la colaboración, esperamos prevenir futuros suicidios. Para obtener más información, visite 

Gateway Mountain Center
4Roots Whole Hearts, Minds, & Bodies (WHMB) ofrece terapia basada en la naturaleza para jóvenes que experimentan problemas de comportamiento, salud mental y/o adicción; tratamiento de abuso de sustancias basado en Mindfulness (atención plena) (MBSAT); Consultas Psiquiátricas. 

10038 Meadow Ave., Unidades A y B
Truckee, CA 96161
(530) 426-2110 

Distrito Escolar Unificado de Tahoe Truckee Servicios Estudiantiles 

11603 Donner Pass Rd
Truckee, CA 96161
(530) 582-2560 

Centros de bienestar Granite
Granite Wellness adopta un enfoque integral en el tratamiento del abuso de sustancias, otro tipo de adicciones relacionadas y problemas de comportamiento asociados con un enfoque principal en la familia (530) 587-8194 o (855) 467-3496 

Recursos telefónicos: 

  • Si está experimentando una crisis de salud mental, llame a nuestra línea local de crisis del condado de Nevada las 24 horas, los 7 días de la semana al 5302655811 o al número gratuito 1-888-801-1437 
  • Línea de acceso de emergencia del condado de Placer 1-888 -886-5401 
  • Línea de socorro en casos de desastre de SAMHSA: 18009855990 o envíe un mensaje de texto con TalkWithUs al 66746 para conectarse con un consejero de crisis capacitado 
  • California Peer-Run Warm Line (1-855-845-7415) es un recurso no urgente para cualquier persona en California que busque apoyo emocional (disponible 24/7).  
  • Línea de texto para crisis: Envía un mensaje de texto con la palabra “HOME” al 741741

Llame 911 si existe un intento de suicidio o se requiere atención médica inmediata.