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Winter Impact Report

What makes a community resilient? In our region, it is the those who show up in service to our people and places. At year’s end, we felt the spirit of generosity in the way you showed up to make a collective impact. Your donations, volunteer pledges, leadership, and consideration for one another is what makes this place extraordinary. As we embark upon a new year, we know that we are stronger together. This report reflects last quarter’s accomplishments, including a Forest Futures impact investment, Community Belonging training, and grantmaking and Give Back Tahoe. It also looks to what’s next.

Read our Winter Impact Report.

For Those Who Love This Place

For Those Who Love This Place

Give Back Tahoe Giving Season Raises $781,688!

Thank you to our community for an incredible Give Back Tahoe Giving Season. We are celebrating:

  • 100% of participating nonprofits received a donation
  • 485 volunteer hours pledged
  • 908 people donated to 65 nonprofits
Volunteer with Local Nonprofits

Who We Are

Who We Are

We make projects pencil

Often, when learning about some of the toughest challenges that our community faces…housing, forest management, and sufficient support for our families, we hear the term “it doesn’t pencil.” 

That is where philanthropy plays a role. By securing flexible, nimble funds from the generosity of our donors, TTCF structures new ways for solutions to become a reality. Our grantmaking and impact investing can be catalytic and regenerative when we take early stage risk or inspire other funding to the table.

TTCF has a legacy of projects that support these kinds of solutions for our community. Our Impact Portfolio works across a spectrum of solutions that focus on our people and place. Thank you for joining us in this important work. 

TTCF creates unparalleled and integrated community services, develops creative and impactful giving programs, and creates numerous outreach programs to touch SO many here in Tahoe-Truckee.

Alison and Desmond Elder
Elder Group Tahoe